'temalı park' kavramını biliyorum.

8 Ocak 2008 Salı


TEMA'nın Sözlük Anlamları

Türk Dil Kurumu

1 . Asıl konu, temel motif: "Tablonun teması. Anıtın teması, Kurtuluş Savaşı'ydı."
2 . edebiyat: Öğretici veya edebî bir eserde işlenen konu, düşünce, görüş.
3 . müzik: Bir besteyi oluşturan temel motif.


1. a
subject of a talk or an artistic piece; a topic.
2. a
recurring idea; a motif.
3. music: the main
melody of a piece of music, especially one that is the source of variations.
4. computing, figuratively: The collection of color schemes, sounds, artwork etc., that "skin" an
environment towards a particular motif.


Theme may refer to:

Theme (music), the initial or principal melody in a musical piece
Theme (literature)
, the unifying subject or idea of a story
Theme (visual arts)
, the unifying subject or idea of a visual work
Theme (computing), a custom graphical appearance for certain software, similar to a skin

Theme (linguistics)
, that part of a sentence which indicates what is being talked about
Theme (linguistics), is a
Theta role in Generative grammar and Government and binding theory
Theme (linguistics), is a
Thematic relation
of a noun phrase to a verb. Other thematic relations: agent, patient, etc.
Theme (grammar), is a term sometimes used for the
stem of a word
Theme music
, signature music which recurs in a film, television program or performance
Theme magazine

Theme Building, a landmark building in Los Angeles International Airport
Theming, the act of creating environments with artificial themes

Theme may also refer to:

Thema, an administrative district in the Byzantine Empire governed by a Strategos
Motif (visual arts)
, a recurring theme or pattern in artwork
Motif (literature)
, a recurring theme or pattern in literature
philology and linguistics, the inflexional base or stem of a word, consisting of the root with alteration or addition. See Word stem
Themes (1989 album), a compilation album by Vangelis

Themes (1992 album), a compilation album by Clannad

Themes (2000 album), an album by Moravian ethno metal band Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy

Themes may also be associated with common cultural events or experiences:
objects, literature, or works of art

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